We are live! What’s new?
• Leo
It’s been a long time coming, but today we finally took the new version of Meet-O-Matic live! Take a look for yourself at meetomatic.com.
So what’s new? Here’s a quick rundown…
Appointment mode – This works like hotel, concert or doctor’s appointment bookings: firstly, it allows respondents (‘invitees’) to choose only ONE date or time slot, and secondly once such a slot is chosen, that chosen slot is then disabled for other respondents, thus preventing double-bookings.
Export responses to Excel, CSV or ICS – You can now export your meeting responses to excel, CSV or ICS formats. This will enable you to import dates into your own calendar, or to sort your respondents in a way that best suits your requirements; some of users use Meet-O-Matic to schedule events with hundreds of participants, so exporting to Excel will make managing a large volume of responses a piece of cake!
Super-User Admin – We now have multi-user accounts – great for businesses who want a meeting scheduler that doesn’t cost the earth and allows all of their employees to schedule their meetings in the simplest way possible!
New Pricing – Meet-O-Matic is the cheapest meeting scheduler out there. We also offer the most features per $. Go ahead, check out our rivals and see if you fancy paying 66%* more for similar features, not to mention scheduling which takes longer and has a more klutzy UI (We know, we timed it. It typically takes 30 sec – 1 min less time to schedule a meeting using Meet-O-Matic. Time is money, afterall). We are of course still retaining the free version for basic scheduling needs!
Those are the main changes that you’ll notice as a customer (along with the new look, which brings the site a bit more up to date). We made some backend changes also to enable us to offer a better and more reliable service.
Want to get these awesome features? Sign up for Meet-O-Matic Pro today!
*Price comparison between Meet-O-Matic and 12 other leading schedulers, undertaken Dec ’14. On average we are 40% cheaper than the competitors.
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MeetOMatic is the World's Simplest Meeting Scheduler!
It has been around since 1998, and continues to provide the quickest way to schedule meetings, appointments and interviews.
Visit meetomatic.com to schedule your own meeting!